Switch Language



by sgtpifpaf, 5 June 2023

Dear friends,

Big changes in perspective:

David Rutten having decided to refocus on his personal life, he can no longer assume all his functions. He will therefore leave his post, but will take on certain tasks in design and sales.
Thanks to him for bringing us his vision.
The brand will subsequently change its name, in order to better pay tribute to all the work carried out by the many subcontractors, partners and friends, who have rendered us so many services over the past 4 years.

The brand will now be called U-krony, inspired by the term “uchronia”, playing on the phonemes “you” and “kronos”.
Malik Bahri is now the main shareholder, director, and responsible for the delivery of the latest Streamlines which are still in progress.

The meteorite Streamline will be withdrawn from sale on June 30, after around fifty models have been sold.
A new bronze Streamline will be presented in the coming months and produced in a micro-series of 12 copies.

Thank you for your loyalty.
See you soon,