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A.D. 2019 : the DR01 Streamliner creaw is orbiting furtively off the Solar System Asteroid Belt, in the dark and deep Space, and the powerful radar of the Streamliner is pointed towards the blue planet. Throughout the reports, in the form of a Space blog, we’ll comment on the latest news of science and watchmaking to provide the most accurate vision.


Dear friends, Big changes in perspective: David Rutten having decided to refocus on his personal life, he can no longer assume all his functions. He will therefore leave his post, but will take on certain tasks in design and sales. Thanks to him for bringing us his vision. The brand … Continue reading

Launching of the production

Dear friends, enlightened subscribers, Cover image : The bridges of the 35 Streamlines was milled and handfinished this past week.   Your financial and media contributions have enabled us to launch the first batch of production of the Streamline. Here are the main things you should know: 1) The subscription … Continue reading


Hello friends We are very pleased to have been shortlisted among 14 watches, to be part of the official selection of the GPHG competing in the “Petite aiguille” category. Our “community” pricing position just below the 10000chf mark has allowed us to access this strategic category. This selection is for … Continue reading

L’origine de la vie sur terre à votre poignet.

Salut les amis, Disclaimer : L’objectif du sujet n’est évidemment pas de trancher sur l’existence de dieu, que nous laissons à votre discrétion. Certains des plus grands scientifiques, croient par exemple au « god design », grand horloger de l’univers, qui aurait posé tous les grands principes de la physique … Continue reading

Expédition lunaire : le « space cake » chinois anglais

Salut les amis, C’est passé un peu inaperçu (par rapport à l’ampleur de la nouvelle), mais les Chinois, ont réussi, le tour de force, via leur rover lunaire (Chang’e-4, c’est son petit nom) (LIEN : https://sciencepost.fr/2019/01/la-premiere-plante-lunaire-chinoise-na-pas-survecu/), à faire pousser un plant de coton sur la Lune, dans une « biosphère » !! C’est moins … Continue reading